Saturday, November 24, 2012

Causes of Hair Loss in men:

A number of factors could be accelerating hair loss.

1.Poor nutritional status due to consumption of unbalanced meals(deficient in nutrients like protein, iron, zinc, B-complex vitamins,vitamin E, and vitamin A) for prolonged periods of time may affect overall health of the hair. In addition to this, fad diets, crash dieting and eating disorders may also contribute to hair loss. This type of hair loss can be reversed by adequate nutrition.

2.Stress related to an illness or surgery can also cause hair loss but it is usually temporary. Stress-related hair loss is temporary; it reverses once the stress goes away.

3.Certain medications like anticoagulants, anti depressants, medications used in the treatment of high blood pressure, gout and Cardiovascular problems also may be responsible for triggering hair fall. When the medications are discontinued, hair loss can be restored.

4.Hormonal problems, Thyroid disorders, underlying disease (diabetes, lupus); infections of the scalp (fungal, ringworm) may also result in excess hair fall. This type of hair fall can be reversed by treating the underlying cause.

5.Trichotillomania,a mental illness where in a person is habituated to pulling or twisting hair from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes or other areas of the body could also contribute to the problem of hair loss.

Friday, November 23, 2012

What is cholesterol?

What is cholesterol? 

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that forms naturally in all parts of your body. Your body requires some levels of cholesterol to function normally. Cholesterol is also involved in the making of cell tissues, production of certain hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help in the proper digestion of food. 

Your liver produces all the cholesterol for your bodily needs. Cholesterol in food is mainly derived from animal foods and plants foods do not have any cholesterol. 

The cholesterol content in the foods that you eat is the extracholesterol that enters your body. High levels of cholesterol in theblood can increase your risk of heart disease. High blood cholesterolon its own does not cause symptoms and can only be detected with ablood test. Therefore many people are unaware that their cholesterollevel is too high. Usually fat substances are carried in blood bound tosome proteins as carriers, since they are not soluble in water baseblood and tissue medium. These proteins are called lipoproteins.Twotypes of lipoproteins based on their density are found to be involvedin transport of cholesterol in blood. 

Types of cholesterol :

Low density lipoprotein (LDL) also referred to as “bad cholesterol” as it increases the risk of heart disease.
High density lipoprotein (HDL) also referred to as “good cholesterol” as it reduces the risk of heart disease.

How cholesterol affects your body? 
High levels ofcholesterol can increase your chances of getting a heart attack or astroke. Cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries (bloodvessels that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body).This build up of cholesterol is called plaque. When this happens, yourblood vessels become narrow, harder and less elastic (a condition knownas atherosclerosis). If a blood vessel that supplies blood to themuscles in your heart is blocked, it can stop or slow down the flow ofblood and oxygen to your heart causing a condition called coronaryartery disease (CAD).
If there is an excessive deposit of cholesterol or triglyceride (plaque) in the blood vessel that supplies blood to your heart, it can completely block the vessel leading to Angina (chest pain). Angina occurs when the heart does not receive enough oxygen-rich blood. All these can lead to a heart attack. Likewise stroke occurs when a blood vessel supplying blood to your brain gets blocked. 

Click here to view an animation on chest pain, Coronary artery disease and heart attack.

Screening and diagnosis 
It is recommended that men aged 35 and above and women aged 45 and above should get their cholesterol checked at least once a year. If you fall into one or more of the following risk factors, you may have to get your cholesterol checked more often and follow your doctor’s advice to keep it under control. 

Check list to know if you are at risk :

You have already had a heart attack earlier.
Your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level is less than 40 mg/dL.
You are above 55 years of age (above 45 years for men). • You have reached Menopause.
You smoke.
You have high blood pressure (140/90 mg/dL or higher), or if you are on blood pressure medicine.
You are overweight.
You have Diabetes.
You lead a lifestyle with very little physical activity.
You have a family history of heart disease (heart disease in your parents or sister or brother).

There are different factors that can contribute to high blood cholesterol (TG). You may be able to take precautionary measures against some. But there are certain contributing causes that you cannot control such as age, family history (heredity) or your gender. Here are some steps you can take to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. If healthy eating and exercise do not work after 6 months to 1 year, your doctor may suggest medication to lower your cholesterol level. 
Do not smoke.

If you are overweight, lose weight. Being overweight tends to increase your LDL levels.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help you lose weight and lower your LDL level. It can also help you raise your HDL level.
Eat foods that are good for your heart such as plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains and fish.
Avoid foods that may contain trans fat. Trans fats are made when vegetable oil is hydrogenated to harden it. They raise cholesterol levels. Egg yolks, meat, and cheese are also rich in cholesterol.
Total cholesterol level
Less than 200 mg/dL—ideal
200 to 239 mg/dL—slightly high
240 mg/dL or above—increased risk for heart disease

LDL cholesterol levels
Below 100 mg/dL—perfect if you are at a higher risk of heart disease
100 to 129 mg/dL—quite okay
130 to 159 mg/dL—slightly high
160 mg/dL or above—increased risk for heart disease.

Treatment of high blood cholesterol 

The majorobjective of treating high cholesterol (Tg) levels is to lower yourlow-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels so that your risk of getting aheart attack is minimized. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012


1.Banana's can boot brain power.

2. Banana's prevent anaemia.

3.Helps people with ulcer.

4.Lower risk of heart dieseases and hypertension.

5.Regulates bowel movements.

6. Promots healthy bones.

7.Reduce depression.

8.Helps who wants to quit smoking.

9.Reduce itchy mosquito bites.

10.Taking banana's will reduce the risk of kidney cancer.


Osteoporosis occurs when there is a loss of mineral content from bone mainly in the form of calcium. Osteoporosis mainly affects women, although it also affects men, but in a smaller percentage. 

Osteoporosis shows no symptoms and is usually part of the normal aging process. However some women develop the disease early in life due to other co-existing disease factors. Women also run the risk of developing it post Menopause. Since it displays no symptoms it is only when you get a fracture or recurrent fractures, that your doctor will suspect osteoporosis. 

Your doctor will evaluate the loss of mineral from your bones throughtests which will determine your Bone Mineral Density (BMD). 

Preventing osteoporosis

The development of strong bones begins early in life. Staying healthy throughout life is an excellent way to keep your bones healthy. 
The factors essential for healthy bones are: 

Hormones: The production of the Hormone Estrogen isvital in adolescent females and young women so as to maintain bonemass. A shortage of Estrogen occurs in the following conditions,affecting bone mass and could lead to osteoporosis:
Absence of periods
Infrequent menstrual cycles
Delay in the onset of the first period
Early menopause
Lifestyle: Smoking affects bone health and results in a substantial loss of bone mass (bone mineral density) in women. Besides osteoporotic women who continue to smoke while on medication for osteoporosis, fail to achieve the full benefits of treatment. Women who consume excessive alcohol are also at risk for osteoporosis.

Other lifestyle factors that can lead to osteoporosis are: 

• insufficient calcium intake, 
• very minimal physical activity, 
• excessive Caffeine intake, 
• excessive alcohol intake and Nutrition 

Calcium: Calcium is one of the most essential nutrients necessary for you to reach the highest level of bone strength. To prevent osteoporosis you should eat a well balanced diet with adequate amounts of dairy products, which are the primary source of foods rich in calcium. 

Vitamin D: Vitamin D serves many important functions in relation to calcium metabolism. It helps increase your calcium absorption from the gastrointestinal system and kidney and thereby makes it available to your body tissues and blood. It also functions to help with the deposition of calcium to your bones.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Few tips to stay healthy:

Never skip meals. Skipping meals has no advantage in health and it is a major cause of weight gain in the long-term. When a meal is missed, the body metabolism slows down, leading to more intake of high-calorie and high-fat foods soon after.

Prefer to opt for high-fiber foods like whole-grain breads and cereals, whole pulses,beans, vegetables and fruits. This will lower the risk for chronic diseases, such as Coronary heart disease and Diabetes.

For the meat eaters, lean meat, fish, or chicken without the skin can be added to the diet with a careful watch on the intake of calories in each meal.

To satisfy the calcium and vitamin D requirements of the body, low-fat/fat-free milk, yogurt or cheese is recommended. This will strengthen the bones even with age. Alternatives to milk such as soy milk also obtained from soy are advised.

Some foods are rich in some nutrients, but there is none that has all the nutrients needed by the body. Foods from the different food groups and all colors have to be selected to ensure a steady supply of all vitamins and nutrients required by the body.

Food combinations and smart cooking ideas can make mealtime more enjoyable. This will also add to the variety of food types in the daily diet. Having the right perspective to healthy eating and adding a few creative skills will be able see long-term health gains.

Fresh fruits, dry fruits like dried apricots, roasted grams and salads, whole-wheat crackers and soups without starch and fat can be kept handy to be used as snacks so as to avoid snacking on unhealthy foods. High-fat and high-sugar snacks like cakes, samosas, kachories, fried bhujias, chips and soda should be avoided.

Consuming plenty of water and other fluids like lime juice, green tea is always recommended.Water keeps the body well hydrated and controls your appetite to a certain extent.

Salads made of fresh fruits and vegetable can be added to each meal. This will ensure a supply of fiber and vitamins and also creates a fullness effect preferred by many weight watchers.

Every meal should be enjoyed and consumed slowly. This will aid better digestion of the food.
Finally the best plan of action to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is to have a balance between the amount of energy consumed and the amount of energy spent.

A healthy and balanced eating plan should ensure that the following foods are eaten every day:
Whole grain breads, cereals and brown rice.

1.A variety of fruits and vegetables, either raw or cooked.

2.Lean meat, poultry, fish eggs, beans and other dry legumes.

3.Low fat milk, yogurt or other fat free milk products.

Tips to Manage Weight Gain During Pregnancy

It is normal to put on weight during pregnancy. The body is changing and growing, to bring in a new life, however it is essential to watch your weight gain along with managing healthy growth norms for the baby.

It is important to know how much weight one needs to gain during pregnancy and that should be kept as a target. On an average the weight gain is between 12 – 15 kg for women with normal weight. Underweight women can gain little more than this and overweight women a little less. 

It is good to read extensively about pregnancy and learn about the consequences of extra weight gain in terms of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, back ache, fatigue, breathlessness, varicose veins and complications during labor and delivery 

Pregnant women must weigh themselves regularly and keep watch on the weight and maintain records. It is also important to stay active during the day and exercise as recommended by the doctor.

Pregnancy is NOT the time to diet. So follow these 5 simple principles and have a happy pregnancy. 

  1. Do NOT eat for two: Remember, you are not eating for two people and calorie increase in pregnancy is only about 350 calories and 25 grams of proteins, which can be accomplished with two glasses of extra milk or curds or its equivalent. Eat small frequent meals rather than three large meals to avoid hunger pangs, heart burn and breathlessness.
  2. Eat healthy: Eat a healthy balanced diet which is adequate in proteins, calcium and other vitamins and minerals including iron. Use low fat milk or it’s products like curds and cheese, whole pulses, whole grains, fresh green vegetables, fruits, soy for vegetarians and fish and chicken for non vegetarians – It is important to watch for cooking fat and invisible fat present in milk, curds, cheese, fish and chicken – keep the preparations low fat like grilled or roasted and avoid gravies. While snacking, stick to healthy snacks like roasted channa, soy and other pulses, sprouts, dhokla, khandivi, whole wheat bread vegetable sandwich with low fat hung curd as dressing,and fruits.
  3. Avoid Fats: Avoid fatty foods like too much of ghee, oil, fried foods like pranthas, puris, bhujias, ladoos and panjiris. Roasted Almonds and walnuts should be taken in moderation as a substitute for fat.
  4. Drink lot of fluids: Low fat butter milk, fresh lime, coconut water, and clear soups are good since they act as fillers for the stomach and keep the body hydrated.
  5. Switch to high fiber foods: High fiber foods are a recommendation as they avoid constipation and are good low calorie filler. Use whole wheat bread, oats, whole wheat mixed atta chappati, whole pulses, 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Use less of potatoes, other root vegetables, mangoes, bananas, dates and grapes.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tips to control Diabetes and maintain a healthy kidney

Did you know that diabetes affects the kidney? Diabetic nephropathy (diabetic kidney disease) is one of the important specific complications of diabetes. Around 30 to 50 percent of people with kidney failure are diabetics.

Uncontrolled high blood sugar for long period of time produces functional and later structural changes in the kidneys. But what is unfortunate is that the changes occurring in kidneys are not clinically obvious to the treating doctor. The symptom the patient shows is until the kidney function is severely affected and the disease has reached an irreversible stage.

One popular and appropriate way of detecting early kidney damage in diabetes is through urine test. Presence of albumin leak in urine is called albuminuria of proteinuria.

In routine urine examination will detect albuminuria. However, as there are no symptoms this is not given any clinical importance and often goes unnoticed without medical care. Albumunuria is a symptom of early diabetic kidney disease. Aggressive treatment should start at this time and the progression of the kidney damage could be delayed or arrested.

Regular and routine examination of urine will detect albumunura. However, there is another sensitive test for detection of microabluminuria. This test detects minute amounts of albumin leaked into the urine (microabluminuria).

Microabluminuria is a sign of early abnormalities of the blood vessels (endothelial dysfunction) and a forerunner of atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). Therefore presence of albuminuria is an indication to aggressive treatment of cardiovascular risk factors.

So, could we delay or prevent diabetic kidney disease with the available tools of medical treatment. Most research studies have shown that adequate and long-term control of blood sugar, blood pressure and nutritional changes can help in preventing kidney disease. However, the efforts should start early in the life of people with diabetes. 

New classes of drugs used for treatment of hypertension are called angiotension-converting enzyme inhibitors. These agents were originally invented and used for treatment of hypertension. But they were found to be beneficial in preventing kidney disease in persons with diabetes, especially in patients who have albuminuria.

Other than the specific diabetes kidney disease, people with diabetes are also more prone to urinary tract infections. Chronic recurrent urinary tract infection is more common due to high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can also affect the nerves supplying the urinary bladder and produce abnormal bladder function (diabetes ystopathy). This can lead to deficient urinary evacuation and urinary retention. Therefore prevention of infections also helps in preventing kidney damage in diabetes.

So, remember, if you are a diabetic then have urine examination for albumin periodically to detect kidney disease.

Benefits of Breast feeding

Breast feeding is very beneficial to your babies.  Breast milk is very rich in nutrients that are essential for the babies to grow healthy.  Breast milk is easily digestible and sweet to taste.  Breast feeding delays the menstrual cycle after pregnancy and thus nursing mothers do not exhaust the iron in their body.

Babies that are breast fed have better bowel movements, the diaper changes are less offensive than those that are formula fed.  Babies also need lesser burping.

Breast feeding prevents chances of tooth decay and potential dental problems in babies that are breastfed.  The breast milk carries defenders against dental problems.

Breast feeding also aids is fine speech development.  The babies who are put on bottle at an earlier stage are prone to speech disorders.   Breast feeding also reduces the chances of obesity when the child grows into an adult.

Want your baby to have great skin texture, make sure you breastfeed as much as possible in the first year.  Breast milk comprises of chemicals that repress pain.  A few minutes of nursing is known to comfort a bump, scratch or bruise you baby may experience.  And since your baby will remain healthy overall, there will be lesser visits to the doctor.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


1.To keep your nails hydrated, rub a small amount of petroleum jelly or castor oil into your cuticle and the skin surrounding your nails every evening before you go to bed or whenever your nails feel dry. It’s thick and contains vitamin E, which is great for your cuticles. 

2. Trim your toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. This is particularly important if you have diabetes.

3. Dry your hands for at least two minutes after doing the dishes, taking a bath/shower, etc. Also dry your toes thoroughly after swimming or showering. Leaving them damp increases your risk of fungal infection.

4. Air out your work boots and athletic shoes. Better yet, keep two pairs and switch between them so you’re never putting your feet into damp, sweaty shoes, which could lead to fungal infections.

5. Wear 100 percent cotton socks. They’re best for absorbing dampness, thus preventing fungal infections.

6. Add a glass of milk and a hard-boiled egg to your daily diet. Rich in zinc, they’ll do wonders for your nails, especially if your nails are spotted with white, a sign of low zinc intake.

7.. File your nails correctly. To keep your nails at their strongest, avoid filing in a back-and-forth motion  only go in one direction. And never file just after you've gotten out of a shower or bath  wet nails break more easily.

8. Massage your nails to keep them extra strong and shiny. Nails buffing increases blood supply to the nail, which stimulates the matrix of the nail to grow.

9. Polish your nails, even if it’s just with a clear coat. If you prefer colour  use a base coat, two thin coats of colour  and a top coat. Colour should last at least seven days but should be removed after 10 days.

10. Avoid polish removers with acetone or formaldehyde. They’re terribly drying to nails.


1.Never sleep with your make up on as this will not allow your skin to breathe at night, leading to skin  problems.

2.Avoid using cosmetics; and if you have to, use hypoallergenic and preferably herbal preparations.

3.Avoid using styling gels. Use a wide toothed comb to brush your hair. This will reduce hair fall due to friction.

4.Let your hair dry naturally. If you use a hair dryer, hold it 6-8 inches away from the scalp.

5.Washing your hair at least thrice a week with lukewarm water is advisable.

6.Using a scarf to protect your hair from winds and adverse weather conditions.

7.Make occasional use of a therapeutic and rejuvenating hair massage to revitalise those damp roots.

8. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun as this can lead to freckles, sunburns, suntan, increased pigmentation, or even skin cancer.

9.Cream moisturisers are best for normal to dry skin and non-fragrant moisturisers without perfumes are best for sensitive skin.

10.Place thin slices of apple on your face and leave them on for 15 minutes to soak up the extra oil without drying the skin.

11.Apply a mixture of the yolk of an egg with a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of turmeric on your face to nourish your facial skin.

12.Apply a mixture of almond, rose water, glycerine, and lemon juice on your face and leave it on overnight for glowing skin.

13.To get rid of facial pimple scars, apply tomato pulp on your face everyday and wash it off after an hour.

14.Massaging your hair regularly with oil boiled with henna leaves can help to prevent hair loss.

15.Always wear clean socks and well-fitted shoes to prevent fungal infections of the nail bed.


1.Keep your house and your surroundings clean. This will help you in preventing diseases.

2.Regular physical activity helps your heart stay healthy and increases your lifespan. 

3.Take regular breaks from your routine to rejuvenate your body and mind.Avoid suppressing your emotions. Always look for a way to express your feelings, at least with loved ones.

4.Always do everything in moderation. Underdoing or overdoing anything often has negative implications.

5.Rather than eating three large meals a day, eat smaller meals, more frequently, which is also more effective for weight loss.