Monday, September 24, 2012


In the ancient Ayurveda system of medicine, the pomegranate has extensively been used as a source of traditional remedies for thousands of years. The rind of the fruit and the bark of the pomegranate tree is used as a traditional remedy against diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasites.

The seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the heart,  throat, eyes  and for a variety of purposes, such as stopping nose bleeds and gum bleeds, toning skin.

Pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants that helps to protect our body's cells from free radicals, which cause premature aging. Free radicals are formed due to exposure to the sun and harmful toxins from the environment. 

Prevents blood clots in the heart and arteries, also urinary retention. The seeds prevent your blood platelets from coagulating and forming clots.

Two separate studies claim that pomegranate juice helps fight prostrate cancer. In one lab experiment, the juices "slowed the growth of the cultured cancer cells and promoted cell death". In the second experiment, pomegranate juice improved the condition of the blood, hence improving the health of individuals down with cardiovascular diseases.
Pomegranate aril juice provides about 16% of an adult's daily vitamin C requirement.
It is a good source of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), potassium and polyphenols.

One of the common problem in pregent ladies is swilling. If pregent ladies take pomegranates in any form they will get relife from swilling.

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